Breakfast Serials Stories and Illustrations
Breakfast Serials Illustration Testimonial Breakfast Serials Illustration Testimonial Breakfast Serials Illustration Testimonial Breakfast Serials Illustration Testimonial Breakfast Serials Illustration Testimonial Breakfast Serials Illustration Testimonial

Original Serials

When information isn't enough, Breakfast Serials is there with stories that come from the imagined life—powerful stories that capture and sustain audiences.

Breakfast Serials builds such audiences with original serials. Our serials are continuing stories told in successive installments for an average of 16 consecutive weeks.

Building the Audience

In 1996, Breakfast Serials set out to refresh the reading experience in a new and convenient context. We focused on young people who knew how to read, but chose not to. We soon learned that our serials were capturing and sustaining large adult audiences. We adjusted our product and began to create more inclusive serial works. Out of this, a vast interconnected audience grew.

The Value

Differentiation lies at the heart of Breakfast Serials' specialization. The Company’s brand of serial is different from established newspaper content. It is different from bound books. What is more, our audience connection is different. We sustain our advantage by building new value from capabilities that truly distinguish our brand in the market.

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