Breakfast Serials Stories and Illustrations

Sample Chapters

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Sudden Squall

Written by Avi
Illustrated by Lauren Castillo

The daily voyage of the Neptune, a side paddle steam freighter that carries farm produce from New Port, New Jersey to New York City, is normally routine. But one spring day in 1884, what’s routine is thrown overboard. In the narrow confines of the city’s crowded harbor channels a sudden squall creates havoc. A ship collision draws Captain Bates—the Neptune’s pilot—off the Neptune so he can guide one of the stricken ships to safe berth. Then his first mate becomes ill. That leaves the Neptune in the hands of his son, fourteen-year-old Thaddeus Bates, and his younger sister, Abigail. Sure, Thad and his sister live on the Neptune, and have had some practice at the ship’s wheel, but now Thad must steer the Neptune into one of the world’s busiest ports. The fact is it’s very hard to stop a boat, much less one in tow. Besides, that squall is bearing down, hard. Based on a contemporaneous report, this voyage is anything but a spring cruise.

Spanish translation available.


Story Length:

8 chapters

Chapter Length:

~950 words


Logo art and 8 original chapter illustrations in color and black and white

Additional Resources:

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