Breakfast Serials Stories and Illustrations

Illustrator Mauren Castillo


What Happens on Wednesdays
When Pigs Ran New York
Buffalo Music

Lauren Castillo

"I was very excited to have the opportunity to illustrate Breakfast Serials’, SUDDEN SQUALL. The approach of sharing well-crafted contemporary literature, via the newspaper, is an excellent way to reach out and touch a broader reading audience."


Lauren Castillo is a recent graduate of the Illustration as Visual Essay, Master of Fine Arts program at the School of Visual Arts in New York. She works as an Assistant Art Director by day, and Illustrator by night. Currently, Lauren is finishing her first picture book, WHAT HAPPENS ON WEDNESDAYS, written by Emily Jenkins, with Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Other forthcoming books include, WHEN PIGS RAN NEW YORK, written by Linda Stanek, and BUFFALO MUSIC, written by Tracey E. Fern. She currently lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Lauren’s work may be viewed at:


Sudden Squall

The Neptune, a side paddle steam freighter, carries farm produce from New Port, New Jersey to New York City. Normally, the voyage is routine. But one spring day in 1884, what’s routine is thrown overboard. Sudden Squall is a maritime adventure with unlikely heroes.

Spanish translation available.

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