Breakfast Serials Stories and Illustrations

Reading the Sky

Written by Avi
Illustrated by Joan Sandin

Jamie, being dyslexic, may not be able to read words on a page, but he can read clouds and what he sees is as wondrous as it is unbelievable—to others. One summer day he sees a man in a business suit parachute from an airplane. When he tells his family and friend Gillian, no one believes him. But, not only are Jamie’s perceptions accurate, the man is a thief who has stolen a million dollars and kidnaps Gillian. When she leaves a written note as to where she's being taken, Jamie is in a double bind: no one thinks he's seen anything real and he can't read the message.Reading the Sky brings high adventure from the sky and on and off the page.

Note from the author: “I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of a perfect crime.Reading the Sky is loosely based on Dan “D. B.” Cooper’s successful heist and disappearance on November 24, 1971.”

Spanish translation available.


Story Length:

13 chapters

Chapter Length:

~875 words


Logo art and 13 original chapter illustrations in color and black and white

Additional Resources:

Teacher's guides are available via the independent efforts of many. Please request a list from us.

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