Breakfast Serials Stories and Illustrations

Magic Elizabeth

Written by Norma Kassirer
Illustrated by Joe Krush

If it weren't for the picture of the girl and her doll hanging over the fireplace in her pretty room, Sally would be miserable staying with Aunt Sarah. For everything in this strange old house tucked between tall apartment buildings is scary and mysterious. In the dark, rainy night the house seems almost a witch's house, and Aunt Sarah herself, whom Sally has never seen before, is very old, a stooped figure with thin gray hair and gnarled fingers.

But the other Sally in the picture is smiling. She's about Sally's own age, and once, long ago, she lived in the big old house. In fact, her room was this very room. She's wearing a yellow bonnet with ribbons, a long blue dress with layers of ruffles, and high-buttoned shoes; and she's holding a rag doll on her lap, an adorable doll with eyes the pleasant shape of watermelon seeds, dressed exactly like her mistress except that her hands are tucked into a tiny white fur muff.

Sally soon finds the other Sally's trunk in the dusty old attic. The yellow bonnet and the blue dress are there, even the other Sally's diary. But not the rag doll, for Elizabeth mysteriously disappeared one snowy Christmas Eve long ago. The other Sally had thought Elizabeth might be magic, and maybe she was. For how else can you explain Sally's magical adventure in time that follows?

Spanish translation available.


Story Length:

18 chapters

Chapter Length:

~975 words


Logo art and 18 original, black and white chapter illustrations.

Additional Resources:

Teacher's guides are available via the independent efforts of many. Please request a list from us.

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